Viewing and Deleting Whitelist Entries

Viewing the Whitelist

Selecting Whitelists from the sidebar menu shows all whitelist rules.

Whitelist View

Whitelist View

Clicking on a hyperlinked sandfly name or double clicking on a single row within the table will open the details page of the selected rule, including the expr rules and host(s) that are within its scope, when applicable. This rule can also be edited, deactivated / activated, or deleted via the action buttons in the top right corner.

Whitelist Rule Details

Whitelist Rule Details

Deleting Whitelist Rules

While on the Whitelist Rules page, selecting one or more of the checkboxes will allow you to remove the designated rules via the Delete button, which is located on the table's toolbar. Alternatively, a single rule can be deleted from the rule's detail page via the Delete button.

Activate / Deactivate Whitelist Rules

While on the Whitelist Rules page, selecting one or more of the checkboxes will allow you to activate or deactivate the designated rules via the respective Activate or Deactivate buttons, which are located on the table's toolbar. Alternatively, a single rule can be activated or deactivated from the rule's detail page via the Activate or Deactivate button, which alternates its label depending on the current status of the rule.